Rio Terrace Community League Bylaws
Article 1: Name
The legal name of the organization will be “The Rio Terrace Community League,” hereinafter referred to as “the League.” The League is incorporated under The Societies Act.
Article 2: Boundaries
The Rio Terrace Community League shall comprise the areas known as Rio Terrace, Quesnell Heights and Patricia Heights. These boundaries extend from 79th Avenue in the North to the bank of the North Saskatchewan River and Patricia Ravine in the South and from 167th Street West to Quesnell Ravine in the East.
Article 3: Definitions
Board of Directors: Will consist of the elected officers and directors as specified in these bylaws.
Executive Committee: Will consist of the officers of the League being’ the President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President.
Article 4:Objectives
The objectives of the League are:
• To provide cultural, social, and lifelong learning activities, as well as sports and recreational programs,
• To facilitate consultation in land use planning and development, and transportation matters that apply to the neighbourhood,
• To provide facilities in which to conduct activities of the League.
Article 5: Membership
5.1 Any resident will be a full member upon payment of the membership fee, provided he/she agrees with the objectives of the League.
There following are categories of membership:
• 5.1.1 Family (any group residing in one household acting as a family unit with two adults over the age majority) (with a maximum of two votes per household).
• 5.1.2 Senior (over 65 years of age) with a maximum two votes per household,
• 5.1.3 Single (any adult over the age of majority) with one vote per household,
• 5.1.4 Single Parent (any single parent residing in one household with children) with one vote per household,
• 5.1.5 Couple: (any two adults over the age of majority) with a maximum of two votes per household.
• 5.1.6 Honorary Life Membership may be conferred upon anyone, with one vote per member, who has provided service to the League for more than 10 years or has made significant, positive contribution to the League. The decision for presenting candidates for life memberships to the membership will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
5.2 Membership fees will be determined each year at the Annual General Meeting.
5.3 The membership year will be from September 1 to August 31 of each year.
5.4 Withdrawal or Termination from membership: Withdrawal will be by providing a letter to the Secretary of the league, non-payment of annual fees. The refund of fees being left to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Termination of membership for just cause will be dealt with in the manner prescribed in Article 12.1.
Article 6: Meetings
6.1 General Meetings
• 6.1.1 Notice: At least 21 days’ notice of all Annual, General, or Special General meetings will be delivered through the newsletter and posted on the Rio Terrace Community League website –
• 6.1.2 Quorum: A quorum for all Annual, General, or Special General Meetings will be ten members.
If a quorum is not present at a meeting, then a second meeting will be called for the purpose of passing a specific motion(s) a week later. During that time, all efforts will be taken to inform all Directors or members of the meeting and encourage their attendance. If there is still not a quorum at this second meeting, then the number of people attendance will be considered a quorum.
6.2 Annual General Meeting: The League will hold an Annual General Meeting no less than ninety days or greater than six months after the financial year-end for the presentation of the financial report and election of officers.
At the Annual General Meeting, the Annual Reports are to be presented and the election and appointment of officers, for the following year, shall take place.
6.3 Special General meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, and must be called upon receipt by the President within five days of receipt of a written request for such meeting signed by 30% of the members of the league. Any call for a Special General Meeting must include specific reference to the item(s) to be dealt with.
6.4 The Board of Directors will meet on a monthly basis. The Board shall set the day of the month at the first meeting after the AGM.
• 6.4.1 Special Board Meeting: The President will, upon receipt of a written request by at least four members of the Board of Directors, call a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors within five days of receipt of the request. At least seven days’ notice by telephone call will be given for any Special Board of Directors Meeting. Any call for a Special Board of Directors Meeting must include specific reference to the item(s) to be dealt with.
• 6.4.2 Quorum for any Board of Directors’ Meeting will be seven members of the Board. Any business transactions conducted at a meeting where quorum is not present will be ratified at the next regularly called meeting of the Board; otherwise they will be null and void.
Article 7: Voting
7.1 Any full member as specified in Section 5.1, who is of the age of majority and is in good standing, upon payment of the membership fee is entitled to vote.
7.2 Such voting must be made in person, and not by proxy or otherwise.
7.3 Any member may attend the Board of Directors’ meetings, but will not be allowed to vote. The Board may, by resolution, determine the members’ ability to speak to a matter on the agenda.
7.4 A show of hands will be adequate for voting, expect for nominations/elections, significant financial questions, and any controversial matters where a secret ballot is required or can be requested.
Article 8: Auditing
8.1 The books, accounts, and records of the Treasurer will be audited once per year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the League, not currently serving as signing authorities, elected for that purpose at the Annual General Meeting.
8.2 That auditor at the Annual General Meeting will submit a complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year.
8.3 The fiscal year will end on May 31.
8.4 The books and records may be inspected by any member at the Annual General Meeting, or at any time upon giving two weeks notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the Directors in charge of the records. Board of Directors’ will at all times have reasonable access to such books and records.
Article 9: Board of Directors
The Board will, subject to the by-laws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the League.
Any Director may resign from the Board by submitting such request in writing to the President. Such resignation will be effective immediately.
In the event of a vacancy as a result of resignation, death, or removal, the Board is empowered to fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the term. Such appointment is to be ratified at the next Board Meeting. The person so appointed will hold office for the remainder of the term of that member he/she is replacing would have held.
The Board of Directors, and their respective duties, is as follows:
9.1 President: The President will:
• preside at all meetings;
• be an ex-officio member of all committees, except a Nominating Committee;
• be charged with the general supervision of al the activities of the League;
• nominate a Director who is willing to serve and stand in for or replace the President, as circumstances require;
• is a member of the Executive Committee
• is a signing authority, and
• act as the official spokesperson of the league or appoint a designate.
9.2 Past President: The Past President will:
• assume Ad Hoc duties at the discretion of the Board;
• act as the Nominating Committee Director; and
• is a member of the Executive Committee.
9.3 Vice President: The Vice President will:
• preside at any meeting the President is absent from;
• assume any duties from the President as required;
• acts as a signing authority;
• responsible for the annual review of the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures; and
• is a member of the Executive Committee.
9.4 Secretary: The Secretary will:
• attend all meetings of the League, the Board, and the Executive Committee and keep accurate minutes of the same;
• responsible for the minute and meeting notice distribution;
• have charge of minute book and other records;
• have charge of all correspondence of the League under the direction of the President and the Board;
• act as a signing authority;
• be a member of the Executive Committee; and
• have charge of the seal of the society.
In the absence of the Secretary, such officer as may be appointed by the Board will discharge these duties.
9.5 Treasurer: The Treasurer will:
• be responsible for all financial records of the League;
• be responsible, on behalf or in the name League, for all monies collected or otherwise received, issuing receipts, payments of all accounts when properly approved, and keep proper accounts, receipts, and vouchers of same, and the deposit of funds to the League’s bank accounts;
• report the financial standing at every Board and General Meeting;
• present to the Annual Meeting an audited statement of the financial affairs for the preceding fiscal year;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to the financial matters of the league;
• recommend, in conjunction with the President, an Annual Budget to the Board of Directors.
• act as a signing authority;
• be a member of the Executive Committee; and
• prepare an annual budget
9.6 Social Director: The Social Director will:
• be responsible for all matters pertaining to social activities of the League, including dances, social nights, etc.
• prepare an annual budget for social activities and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to social activities, and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.7 The Soccer Coordinator: The Soccer Coordinator will:
• be responsible for all matters pertaining to sports, including the registration and organization of soccer, etc.
• recruit representatives or act as the representative to the sports governing bodies;
• prepare an annual budget for the sports programs and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to sports programs, and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.8 Program Director: The Program Director will:
• be responsible for all programs, including talent competitions, educational events, Playschool, etc.
• Prepare an annual budget for programs and submit it to the Treasurer;
• Review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to programs; and
• Report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.9 Membership Director: The Membership Director will:
• be responsible for the organization, timing and completion of the annual Membership campaign,
• keep a record of and maintain the membership lists and other records pertaining to membership;
• ensure compliance with the EFCL Code of Ethics with respect to selling memberships;
• prepare an annual budget for membership and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to membership; and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors.
9.10 Hall Rental Director: The Hall Rental Director will:
• be responsible for the supervision of hall rentals, ensuring league access takes priority;
• prepare an annual budget for the facilities and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to the facilities; and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.11 Maintenance Director: The Maintenance Director
• be responsible for the development and maintenance of the community centre, rinks, parking lot, and other league facilities;
• prepare an annual budget for the facilities and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to the facilities; and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.12 Newsletter Director: The Newsletter Director will:
• be responsible for the publication of the newsletter and participate articles for the newsletter;
• oversee the delivery of the newsletter;
• be responsible for the maintenance of the League website;
• arrange for publicity for league events;
• prepare an annual budget for publicity and submit it to the Treasurer;
• review and prepare policy and procedures with respect to publicity; and
• report monthly to the Board of Directors
9.13 Directors at Large: The Directors at Large will:
• attend board meetings;
• perform duties as assigned; and
• report monthly
Article 10: Committees
10.1 Executive Committee: The Leagues’ Executive Committee as describe above may meet from time to time between Board Meetings if an issue of an urgent nature arises. All decisions of the Executive Committee are to be ratified at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting or are to be deemed null and void.
10.2 Ad Hoc Committees: The League may at times create such Ad Hoc Committees as may be deemed necessary, either in General or Board of Directors’ Meetings, in order to conduct the League’s business. Such Committees will carry out functions and otherwise act in accordance with such resolutions or ‘Terms of Reference’, as may be passed by either the Board of Directors or at a General Meeting. Such Committees will be answerable to and report to the Board and will have a definitive time of termination at the time they are created.
10.3 Standing Committees: The League may, at its discretion, create such Standing Committees as may be deemed necessary, either in General or Board of Directors’ Meetings. Such Committees will carry out functions and otherwise act in accordance with such resolutions or ‘Terms of Reference’, as may be passed by either the Board of Directors or in a General Meeting. Such Committees will be answerable to and report to the Board and will continue to exist for an indefinite period of time.
Article 11: Elections
11.1 Elections will be held at the Annual General Meeting. Directors will take office immediately following that Annual General Meeting.
11.2 All terms will be for two years – rotating terms.
• 11.2.1 The President, Secretary, Soccer Coordinator, Newsletter Director, Hall Rental, and Social Director positions will have their elections in years with odd numbers.
• 11.2.2 The Vice President, Treasurer, Programs Director, and Membership Director positions will have their elections in years with even numbers.
11.3 The President, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President will not hold office for more than three consecutive terms.
11.4 A person appointed or elected becomes a director if they were present at the meeting when being appointed or elected, and did not refuse the appointment or nomination. They may also become a director if they were not present at the meeting but consented in writing to act as director before the appointment or election.
Article 12: Disciplinary Hearing and Termination
12.1 The Board will be empowered to expel any member from membership or a Board Member from office for any conduct deemed injurious to the League or its purposes. This decision will be final.
• 12.1.1 Pending a full and proper hearing, such Member or Director will be placed on suspension.
• 12.1.2 The Board will hold a hearing where the Member or Director, upon being given 14 days’ notice, in writing, has the opportunity to attend and present his or her case. At the conclusion of the hearing, the majority vote of the Board will prevail. If the individual fails to attend the hearing, without excuse, the termination will be effective immediately.
• 12.1.3 The quorum for such a hearing will be two-thirds (2/3) of the Board Officers.
• 12.1.4 The Board will debate the matter ‘in private’ and render a written decision in writing within 72 hours.
12.2 All complaints heard before the Board must be in writing and marked ‘Confidential and Without Prejudice’. Such complaints must specify the bylaw violation or injurious behavior and cite attempts at discipline prior to the complaint being filed.
12.3 The Board of Directors may remove any Director from office, without a hearing, if he/she is absent from any three consecutive meetings without regrets.
Article 13: Remuneration
13.1 No Director will receive any remuneration for his/her services. A Director may receive reimbursements for expenses, with presentation of receipts, incurred as a result of performing the League’s business.
Article 14: Financial
14.1 The Board or Directors may open one or more accounts, designate signing Directors, and generally execute all documents connected with the transaction of the League’s business with any chosen Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Treasury Branch, or Credit Union.
14.2 For the purpose carrying out is objectives, the League may draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue cheques, promissory notes and bills of exchange, but only to the extend authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors.
14.3 All bills, notes, cheques, debentures and other papers and documents which pertain to the finances of the League will be signed by the Treasurer, along with either the President, Vice President or Secretary, whomever has been granted signing authority by resolution of the Board of Directors.
14.4 The Annual Budget will be submitted by the Treasurer on behalf of the Board of Directors for approval.
14.5 The League may, by a Special Resolution, borrow or raise or secure the payment of money, or issue debentures.
14.6 No two members of the same household will be signing authorities. Also no signing authority will sign a cheque where they are the payee.
Article 15: Amendments the Bylaws
15.1 These Bylaws may be rescinded, altered, or added to by a Special Resolution at a General, Special General, or Annual General Meeting with 21 days’ notice in writing.
15.2 Any proposed changes must be reviewed at a Board of Directors meeting before being forwarded to a General, Special General, or Annual General Meeting.
Article 16: Dissolution
16.1 Upon dissolution of the League, all real property, fixtures, and liquid assets remaining after the payment of any debts, will become the property of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, in trust. The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues will hold the cash assets in trust until they are able to reactivate or merge the League. The real property will pass to the City of Edmonton, pursuant to the Tri-partite License Agreement.
Article 17: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order,” in its most current edition, will govern the proceedings at all meetings and in all cases where they are applicable, provided that they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the requirements of the Societies.
Article 18: Administration
18.1 The use, care, and safekeeping of the seal of the League will be the responsibility of the Secretary, and it will be used only when authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors, and it will be affixed to the documents and instruments when required by law or convention.
18.2 The Board of Directors has the right to hire such persons as may be deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the League’s business.
18.3 The League will retain membership in the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.