Registration information for Outdoor Community Soccer

Registration for Outdoor Community soccer seasons is usually open from February until mid-March of the year. Player registration is completed on-line using the EMSA West soccer portal for player registration and payment needs to be completed by March 12 to ensure placement on a team.   Late registrations are accepted, but players may find themselves unable to be placed on the team or community that they have requested.

Seasons usually start at the end of April / beginning of May (weather and field conditions permitting) and run through to the end of June.  The season would carry on to the end June with the possibility of City Championships to take place the first week of July with the possibility of one further weekend of play in mid July if a team qualifies for further playoffs.  

Players will play on teams participating in the EMSA /EMSA West community soccer programs.  These teams will generally play 2 soccer matches per week and will likely have one practice each week as well.  Teams in the U9 and U11 age groups will play their games only in the west end of Edmonton (with possibly a few games in Spruce Grove.)  Teams playing in the U13 group and older will play their games throughout Edmonton.

Rio Terrace runs an in-house Rio Terrace FunSoccer programs for younger teams with a focus on fun activities, drills and short games that promote fun and active learning and player skill development. These programs take place at the Rio Terrace School field on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM.  This program usually starts in the second week of May and wraps up towards the end of June.   Lots of parental support and involvement are required from these age groups, so please consider whether you are able to volunteer and participate. Subject to space availability and sufficient parent volunteers, registrations for Rio Terrace FunSoccer programs will continue to be accepted until late April – but do please register early if you are able to do so.  Those registering after mid-March should also send an email to informing the soccer director of the late registration.

For registration details and how to register

Player registration for all age groups of community soccer takes place on-line using the soccer portal on the EMSA WEST soccer website –

Player Registration steps that need to be completed are:

First step is to obtain / have a valid Community League membership.  Community League memberships are valid for one year from September 1 to August 31. A membership from any community in Edmonton is valid for soccer registration at Rio Terrace.  If you do not already have a valid current community league membership, your first step in soccer registration is to purchase one.  This is done most easily and fastest via on-line purchase at the EFCL (Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues) website Membership Purchase – Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (

Second step is to use the EMSA West soccer portal to register players individually for the coming outdoor season.  Please be sure to complete all of the registration steps, indicate that the player wishes to play on a Rio Terrace team (or other if that is the case) and identify any coach or friend to play with requests.  Please be sure to identify if you are able to volunteer as a coach or manager for your child’s team – lack of coaches is a prime reason for not having teams for kids to play on. EMSA Soccer Portal

How to Pay for Player Registration

Third step in the registration process is to complete payment of the registration fees.  The player registration fees can be paid on-line at the same time as player registration is completed.  If other payment arrangements need to be made, please contact the EMSA West zone office at 780-451-6453 or the Rio Terrace soccer coordinator at

Age Group & Registration Fee Details

For information of the age groupings, nights of play and registration fees, please see either of the EMSA West Website (same website as the registration link). Please contact the soccer coordinator at with any questions or requests for further information.

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